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“Club” Type Pricing Services

Buyer beware!   If you belong to a credit union or a big discount warehouse type club that offers special auto pricing to its members, be clear on what you are actually getting.  The dealership that you are being referred to and the contact that you will be working with have signed up with that “Club” and have agreed to sell the vehicle at a specific price.  They have not agreed to cap how much they can make on the (meaning your) purchase.  This is an important distinction as most dealerships do not make most of their money on the mark up on their new vehicles.  The majority of the profit on that vehicle will be made on products sold in the finance office.  No one from your “Club” will be with you when these products are being offered to you at sometimes huge markups.  So buyer beware, a “good deal” should be judged on the total amount spent on the vehicle not just the price of your new vehicle!